Monday, 2 May 2011

Bad Foods Which Increase Fat And cholesterol

There are some foods that you must avoid to eat because they make you fat.
In this article I give you a list of high fat foods. Perhaps you don't know it but fat and fat is not the same.
Think of it this way, if you knew that a food had the chance of killing you in 10yrs would you eat it,
Eggs, Cream, Sugar, Milk and Peppermint. This is well known ice cream brands ingredients. Choose it instead of the chemically altered crap...Next we have dairy. Now, there was a time when diary was actually very healthy for you and man sometimes lived on it for tens of thousands of years. But guess what, back then cows had a better quality of life. They were allowed to roam pastures, eat grass and get fresh sunshine.
Fried chicken. If you are going to eat fried chicken then there is one bit of advice that can help you out. Make sure that you do not eat the skin. I was recently made aware by a cardiologist that eating fried chicken skin is the single worst thing you can do in terms of clogging your arteries.
Fatty beef. There are different cuts of beef and some of them have more fat content on them than others. For example, a filet mignon is a great cut of beef and contains very little fat.
Pork. See the aforementioned but there is an exception. Whereas you can eat certain parts of the cow and not be taking in too much fat.
Pastries. It is impossible to include a list of high fat foods that are bad for you and not mention pastries. Most people that eat pastries on a regular basis would be shocked if they found out how much sugar and fat are in these delicacies.

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